So far Israel and Syria have been at war for over three years and during that time over 130,000 people have been killed and millions displaced.  Since Israel just wants this war to end, they have been extending their love and care toward their own enemy by helping heal the wounded soldiers and families who have been hurt.  Now what I think Israel has done to help their enemy is one of the greatest ways to turn an someone from an enemy to a friend.  Syria might become thankful toward Israel and decide to not be as bitter or to just stop being bitter altogether.  According to Kate Linthicum from the Los Angeles Times, Hadas Ziv said that her country's relief efforts are laudable, but Israel should also help people relocate to third countries, offer asylum and step up material aid to Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon, which have absorbed the bulk of the war’s 2.2 million refugees in teeming camps.  I hope Israel will be able to stop the madness of Syria's vicious and deadly attacks and as well as stop their own.
We should celebrate Black History Month to commemorate the lives of all those famous black people.  Even though America was once a racist country against Negros we should not continue to be what we once were.  Black people are people and are the same as the rest of us.  They should have a month of celebration for when one of their own do something great.  Jackie Robinson, famous Negro baseball player, made history when he played on a white baseball league, Martin Luther King Jr. was the reason why black people actually have rights.  These people are important and they should be remembered for what they have done.  So yes, we should celebrate Black History Month.
By Caeleb Sailer

A new system was put into action here at Coastal Leadership Academy a few days ago, called the archer system. The archer system is suppose to give each student 50 archer points to start out with. Every time a student commits an act of insubordination, dishonesty, misuse of technology, or any other rule violation archer points will be taken from them. At the end of every quarter there is suppose to be an archer day, which is a party that all students who have above a certain amount of archer points, can attend. Every quarter the amount of archer points needed to attend the party will drop by a few, thus allowing those who may have lost a few points can still attend the party. Now in my opinion this can be both a good and bad thing. The good would have to be that most students should take this seriously and try to follow the rules as best as possible. The bad thing is that not all students will care about this and it will most likely not affect them at all.

Since this has been in affect I, fortunately, have not lost any archer points, but I do know that some of my friends have lost a few archer points. Unfortunately, the archer points, even though there in a test run right now, will not reset after the quarter or the semester, so they will not reset at all in the school year. You will start out the year with 50 archer points and if you lose any there is no way to get them back. What I don't understand is why the majority of people are getting upset with this. I mean really, you shouldn't be defying your authority in the first place. That is pretty much all I have to say.  Honestly I really think that this archer points are a really good idea.

Now before anyone reads my article let me just say that I, not in any way or form, do not think that Obamacare is a good thing.  Honestly I think it is just going to ruin America even more, but that is just my opinion.  Anyway, Obamacare is a health insurance that is suppose to make Americans lives better.
"All the President's Men" was (to me) a spectacular movie although they did have a very colorful language throughout it.  It was about how Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward tried to uncover the motives behind the Watergate break-in.  Now I'm not going spoilers, so all I'm going to say is that it portrayed the real event of the Watergate scandal and tells of the details almost exact.
Hello my name is Caeleb Sailer.  I would like to share my opinion with all of you viewers on the movie "Gentleman's Agreement".  My opinion is one of both criticism and praise.  First I would like to say that there was to much kissing and romance (it looked like they were eating each other).  The plot or story line were great and made the movie a spectacular piece of entertainment.  The structure though on how it was made (to me) did not look right.  But besides all of that it is still a great movie and many should watch it.  It is a movie on antisemitism and how a journalist disguises himself as a Jew to find out how they are treated by Jew-haters.  Overall I would say it is a pretty good movie.